Friday 27 December 2013

BlackBerry Loses $4.4 Billion Last Quarter


As times passes , things seem to be worsening than ever for   Black Berry. The Canadian


reports that last quarter it made revenues of just $1.2 billion, down from $1.6 billion the

last quarter ( and $2.7 billion a year ago ) and sold 4 . 3 million phones , out of which


1 . 1 million were running on BB10 OS , which was supposed to be the lifesaver .

The company made a loss of $1 . 8 billion last quarter since it wrote - off unsold BB10


in the warehouse, the figure stands at a monumental $4.4 billion.
Still , the company is seeing revolutionary changes thanks to its new CEO . In order to

capture larger more market share , Black Berry is partnering with Connor in China to

manufacture cheaper smartphones . The first phones to come out of the partnership will


in 2 O 1 4 .

Secondly , the firm is divided into three divisions , Services , Q.N.X .Embedded and

Devices . The

first 0ne will be getting the most attention from Black Berry while Devices department will

be handled in a m0re efficient way .

And despite that phenomenal loss , the CE0 John S . Chen thinks that things will get fine


2O16. According to its plan, profits and losses should get even by 2o15 , with profits

turning in later. We’ll have to wait and see whether this strategy will work.

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